How to set the location of attachments that are created via REST API Content

Question concerning the use of attachments within Flowable

We plan on using the Flowable CONTENT REST API calls to handle all the needed functionality for attachment processing.

We know the default location of the attachments are stored in the subfolders under
root\appusr\content within our linux flowable engine server.
process-instance-content or task-content or uncategorized

Is there a way to change the location to a NAS folder via the use of a property setting or some other way ?

If you are using the Spring Boot starters then you can use the property to set the root folder location. This can be a NAS folder.

In case you are not using Spring Boot then you would need to set it via ContentEngineConfiguration#setContentRootFolder when you configure your ContentEngineConfiguration.

Perfect … We are using Spring Boot !

Thanks for the quick response Filip and even on the weekend too.