I try to configure a simple process with 2 tasks, task 1 is a Http task to get some information and task 2 is a user task that present these information in a form to a assignner.
If the response format of task 1 is String, it is easy, I just need set the field id as the variable name from task 1 in the form. But actually the response format is JSON object and includes many members, each member should be presented in a field of the form. I try to set the field id likes object.member, but I found that a dot is forbidden within a id.
I want to use a read-only text field to present the value of meetinginfo.meetingId, so I try to set the ID of text field as meetinginfo.meetingId, but the dot is still forbidden in the ID box:
Ok, I understand now. That does look like it’s currently not supported in the form UI right now (not sure what the side-effects of relaxing that id validation is though).