Flowable’s REST API supports HTTP Basic Auth. So you would need to configure the REST API default user credentials (e.g., Username: flowable-rest and Password: test) and endpoints for each instance.
Since i´m very new to this and don´t have any experiences, i´m struggling to find a solution.
I set the ´processEngineUriPrefix`to "/process-api-0/ ",… and rewrite them to /process-api/. Continung with the approach to make multiple GetRequests with a loop, but can´t find a way to combine and return them properly.
const list = [0, 1];
for (const i in list) {
const endpoint = `${this.processEngineUriPrefix}` + i + `/runtime/tasks`;
this.httpClient.get<TaskListModel>(endpoint, this.getHttpOptions(params)).pipe(
tap(() => {
this.logger.info('TasksService: getTasks() completed' + i);
catchError(error => {
this.logger.info('TasksService: getTasks() -> catchError()');
if (error === undefined) {
throw error;
} else {
return this.handleError('Get tasks', []);
// return throwError(error);