Groovy DSL (domain specific language)


I would like to gather a feedback from flowable community. I spend some time on the flowable groovy scripts and I recognized that groovy support could be extended.

The simplest example is setting variable in execution or task scope.

    <scriptTask id="scriptTask" scriptFormat="groovy">
        execution.set('newVariable', 'newVariableValue')

With the groovy DSL extension

    <scriptTask id="scriptTask" scriptFormat="groovy">
        execution.newVariable = 'newVariableValue'

One of the purposes of process model is to provide ability to communicate technical knowledge with business people. From my point of view we should apply the idea on the scripts too.
I will appreciate any comment and I will be glad if somebody adds new proposal for flowable-groovy DSL. I started to implement flowable-groovy dsl on github
