We’re very pleased to announce that this year’s FlowFest will be held at SAP HQ near Heidelberg, Germany on November 15th.
FlowFest is a get-together with and for the Flowable community. A chance to see the people behind the commit names, to get inspired by the various technical and business use cases that will be shown, to learn all about the recent changes that make Flowable the best case and process technology out there, to discuss features, roadmap and much more.
We’ll be announcing full details and a registration page very soon. We’ll be looking for speakers too, so if you feel up for showing something to the Flowable community, keep your eyes open for a Call for Talks!
We’re looking for people to give talks on topics that will be of interest to the community of Flowable fans - commercial or non-commercial. If you’re interested, you can put a comment in the registration form, alternatively, DM me here.
The event address is: WDF21, Hasso-Plattner-Ring 7, 69190 Walldorf, Germany.