Flowable 6 compability mode TimerJobEntity no setter for lockOwner

Hello i’m upgrading from activiti 5 to flowable 6, and i have this issue :

### Error querying database.  Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: Could not set property 'lockOwner' of 'class org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.TimerJobEntity' with value 'd4f8b4a1-0bc7-4a5c-8402-9af56113eec2' Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no setter for property named 'lockOwner' in 'class org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.TimerJobEntity'
### The error may exist in org/activiti/db/mapping/entity/TimerJob.xml
### The error may involve org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.TimerJobEntity.selectTimerJobsByExecutionId
### The error occurred while handling results
### SQL: select *   from ACT_RU_TIMER_JOB J   where J.EXECUTION_ID_ = ?
### Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: Could not set property 'lockOwner' of 'class org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.TimerJobEntity' with value 'd4f8b4a1-0bc7-4a5c-8402-9af56113eec2' Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no setter for property named 'lockOwner' in 'class org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.TimerJobEntity'

Can you please help us on this.

Hey @krimo,

This should be now fixed on main with Add empty lockOwner and lockExpirationTime getter / setter on the v5 … · flowable/flowable-engine@1a4ed89 · GitHub.


Thanks you for the hep.
I understand that you have fixed it on the main branch, the problem is that we are using openidm 7.4.1 that uses flowable 6.8.0, so the problem is not fixed in this case.