Event subscriptions REST API

I found that in Flowable-Admin panel we can select Event Subscription. How can I get this section via REST API in my application? I assume that it is Event Registry, right? In docs, there is section with REST API. Unfortunatelly, when I send request, there is 404 not found.

Hey @dcwik96,

No the Event Subscriptions are not the Event Registry. You can find the Swagger Documentation for them here.

If you are getting 404 then please share the APIs you are trying to access.


Thanks for response.
I have to admit that I use Flowable with Spring-Boot. I add flowable-spring-boot-starter-process-rest dependency. How can I access to REST API?
return 404 not found
I have no additional mapping added

When you are using your own application and our starters then the API is located under:


Have a look at out Spring Boot Example.
