Even Registry - RabbitMQ - Set message properties


I’m using the event registry with rabbitmq.
Is there a way to set the message properties (e.g. reply_to, correlation_id etc) for message sent to the rabbitmq ? and is it possible to access those properties for message arriving from the queue ?

In the examples i can see only access to the payload.
I’m trying to implement a request/response pattern - and would like to use those properties.


Hey @iadded,

Currently it is not possible to set those properties out of the box. However, we have hook points that allow you to change the way the messages are handled.


Thanks @filiphr

Can you please point me to an example or documentation i can use to learn how to implement this ?


The best entry point is looking at the RabbitChannelDefinitionProcessor.

The processOutboundDefinition method handles the outbound channels, so you’ll need to customize that.

The createMessageListener method handles the creation of the RabbitMQ message listener.

If you have some ideas how we can provide such a functionality out of the box, we are more than willing to have a look at it.


Thanks you so much @filiphr for this reference
I will have a look - and if i come up with any idea i will obviously share it here