Docker install flowable-ui or all-in-one

I am new to flowable. I have tried to install flowable-ui(or all-in-one) by docker and change h2 to mysql, some erros happend(create table error).

  • Install flowable-ui
    docker run -d -p8080:8080 --name flowable flowable/flowable-ui:6.6.0
    mv local mysql-connector to docker app/lib
    change config to mysql

I note that,some “create table” sqls use my local mac ip address but not the config mysql ipaddress in

my local ip address. I am sure I have changed spring.datasource.*

What’s your datasource configuration (jdbc URL) looking like - that’s most likely where you need to configure it?

My datasource configuration:

Docker started logs:

The exception states that the ‘flowable_rw’ user is trying to log in on and isn’t allowed to do that (which is handled on the MySQL side). This looks like a wrong setup wrt to docker and ip’s … Flowable doesn’t do anything special here but calling the configured JDBC url.

I have solved this issue. That was caused by mysql permissions, as foreign key was forbidden.