I tried to run the flowable-ui apps with keycloak (with docker-compose docker-compose
I noticed you are using two realms (master and flowable) in docker-compose.
flowable-idm app can only calls users who are created in the master realm.
thank you for explaining to me the objective of this separation.
I also tried to integrate fowable-rest app in the docker-compose file, but when I execute the request “getusers” (list) I didn’t find the added users neither in master realm nor in flowable realm.
How can I retrieve the list of users created in keycloak from rest-api?
the Flowable users live in the Flowable realm. The keycloak admin user lives in the master realm.
The admin user is a kind of super admin and can be used to query users in other domains.
There was an misconfiguration in the docker compose config; FLOWABLE_IDM_APP_KEYCLOAK_REALM should be Flowable (in order to retrieve the users in that realm.
I’ve pushed this fix to master.
Could you elaborate on how you try to do that? And what possible errors you get?
Running the keycloak docker compose example from master I’m able to retrieve the users.
GET http://localhost:8080/flowable-ui/process-api/identity/users
I integrate flowable-app rest in my docker compose with flowable-ui app when I execute getUsers request
I can’t find registered users in Flowable realm.