I read in the Flowable roadmap, the Flowable team is working on including the DMN Decision Requirement Diagram (DRD) into Flowable. I was wondering whether or not you were also planning on creating an application that allows us to model the diagrams and decision tables while easily switching from one to another.
If there are plans for such a modeler, I wonder if you would create it in such a way it can easily be included in other projects (in analogy with the BPMN modeler).
could you elaborate on ’ easily switching from one to another ’ ?
The plans for the DRD modeler are to use the same approach as with the BPMN modeler.
That is; to use the same Oryx based modeler; to have a JSON modeler model and transforming it to DMN XML when deploying.
I meant to integrate the creation of the DMN decision table and the DRD modeler in such a way that you can create and/or edit the decision tables one click (or double-click) away from the DRD modeler. Whether using tabs or a popup or another method.
This could enable the use case of creating a DRD model without any available decision table, which could then be created as they are needed.
You mean in a way like you can create a user task and ‘attach’ a form to it?
Yes. This will probably work like that.
Keep in mind that the DRD implementation (including the modeler) is the very early stages and at this moment there is no ETA.
All feedback / suggestions are of course welcome.
To elaborate a bit on the second part of my original first question. We are now using the BPMN modeler in our own application by extracting it from your application (which is very easy since it is contained in its own folder, editor-app), applying some tailor-made changes and deploying it alongside our application which then uses iframes to include the modeler.
We would also like to be able to do this with the DRD and DMN modeling, So I was wondering if you saw any merit in bundling the DRD and DMN modeling in their own (or together in one) folder so that they can be more easily reused in other applications.
We are of course happy to contribute in this effort where you see fit!