DB2 server connection

I want to connect DB2 server (i-series) using JDBC then what will be connection code and jars to add? I tried for this, but I am getting error like: org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException: couldn’t deduct database type from database product name ‘DB2 UDB for AS/400’.


What exactly have you tried? How does your connection URL look like? Which driver are you using?

For the Flowable QA integration tests we use:


And a JDBC url can look like: jdbc:db2://host:port/db-name



I am using below connection url and driver to connect IBMDB2 server (i-series) .

ProcessEngineConfiguration cfg = new StandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration()

But getting this exception :

org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException:couldn’t deduct database type from database product name ‘DB2 UDB for AS/400’.


Check this out https://github.com/flowable/flowable-engine/issues/337

Try to set databaseType with:

It should cause that initDatabaseType method won’t be called.

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