Attempting a migration from activiti 5.21.0 to Flowable 6.7.2 - using the custom configuration pattern from the spring boot docs, I’m setting the schema for our oracle db and trying to use that schema as the table prefix -
public class MyConfigurer implements EngineConfigurationConfigurer<SpringProcessEngineConfiguration> {
public void configure(SpringProcessEngineConfiguration processEngineConfiguration) {
processEngineConfiguration.setDatabaseTablePrefix(databaseSchema + ".");
The engine is failing the migration of the flowable schema for an insert into ACT_GE_PROPERTY, which is not being found for the insert. The prepared sql statement is missing the schema, i.e. I am getting
insert into ACT_GE_PROPERTY values ('common.schema.version', '', 1)
where I think I should be getting
insert into MY_DB.ACT_GE_PROPERTY values ('common.schema.version', '', 1)
Digging into the spring configuration setup, I find my configurer associated with the other autoconfigurers when the engine starts, but the prefix/schema value appears to be getting overwritten by an autoconfiguration. What am I missing?
Additional logs of errors:
e[2m2022-06-21 16:16:58.926e[0;39m e[31mERRORe[0;39m e[33m[_svc_,,,]e[0;39m e[35m29520e[0;39m e[2m---e[0;39m e[2m[ restartedMain]e[0;39m e[36mo.f.c.e.impl.db.CommonDbSchemaManager e[0;39m e[2m:e[0;39m Could not get property from table ACT_GE_PROPERTY
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
2022-06-21 16:16:59.072e[0;39m e[31mERRORe[0;39m e[33m[_svc_,,,]e[0;39m e[35m29520e[0;39m e[2m---e[0;39m e[2m[ restartedMain]e[0;39m e[36mo.f.c.e.impl.db.CommonDbSchemaManager e[0;39m e[2m:e[0;39m problem during schema upgrade, statement insert into ACT_GE_PROPERTY values ('common.schema.version', '', 1)
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist