I want to create bpmn process file pragmatically by using flowable source code
I have put the flowable dependent jar file in our application class path.
our requirement is,in our web application we have to create process definition and deploy the bpmn file using flowable-rest api .
firstly i want to create some tasks and multiple exclusive gateways in the process definition.
Please send me the code snippet to use the existing flowable code to generate xml file for the same
So you already have the BpmnModel code that creates the tasks?
Something like this would work for that purpose:
Process process = new Process();
StartEvent startEvent = new StartEvent();
UserTask task1 = new UserTask();
SequenceFlow flow1 = new SequenceFlow();
BpmnModel bpmnModel = new BpmnModel();
BpmnXMLConverter xmlConverter = new BpmnXMLConverter();
You can set a conditionExpression on a Sequenceflow instance. The expression could be something like ${approved}, where approved is a process variable.
If you create a model using a visual tool like the Flowable Modeler, the BPMNDiagram information will be created automatically. Otherwise, you’d have to do it yourself.