Could not update Flowable database schema: unknown version from database: ''


I already read similar topics.

It looks like the reason is that flowable db version (accessible through ACT_GE_PROPERTY) is currently 6.6.1 while my flowable-spring-boot-starter is 6.6.0.

The issue is that flowable-spring-boot-starter 6.6.1 doesn’t exist.

Could you confirm that this is the core issue ?
How could I fix it ? I don’t find a way to change the db version to 6.6.0.


If you’re getting that exception, it means that you’ve ran a newer version of Flowable and then reverted back to an older version. The only way to fix that is to figure out which version you ran before and apply the reverse changes (which is not automatic).

Could I just drop the entire schema and rerun some scripts to install the DB? I am trying to get Flowable installed in an openshift environment with a distributed workload. I have a feeling it is causing db locking issues when the application is attempting to start up.

So I set the flowable:
  database-schema-update: false

Like so ^^^
but then I get this error:

Could not update Flowable database schema: unknown version from database: ''

That particular exception means that another, newer version is already installed. In a multi-node setup, each node will try to get a lock first before attempting the schema update, so two or more nodes trying to do the same upgrade can’t happen.

Edit: I just realized that the flowable version running is still 3.9.1, so probably that’s the issue. I need to check this. If this is not related, maybe you could still give your opinion on this topic. Thank you!

Hi @joram
I have a similar issue but am not sure if the same solution applies to my problem. Upgrading from a rather old version here (flowable 3.9.1) and I want to upgrade to 3.10.12.
Current settings:

  • spring-boot-starter-parent:2.3.4.RELEASE with dependencies
  • com.flowable.core:flowable-spring-boot-starter-core-rest:3.9.1 and
  • org.flowable.flowable-http:

And I upgraded this to

  • spring-boot-starter-parent:2.7.8 with dependencies
  • com.flowable.core:flowable-spring-boot-starter-core-rest:3.10.12 and
  • org.flowable.flowable-http:

But when I try to start I get the above mentioned error message:

Could not update Flowable database schema: unknown version from database: ‘’

Looking into the database I can also see that is set, but I don’t get why this is an error
2023-07-28 flowable_act_ge_property