Is there any reason why only the ACTIVE process instance have available a process instance diagram?
After a process instance is completed or canceled the diagram is no longer available.
IMHO it makes more sense to have the diagram for the completed process than for the active process (which could live for only a few seconds).
For active instances there is this API:
GET runtime/process-instances/{processInstanceId}/diagram
However for completed processes there is nothing of the form:
GET history/historic-process-instances/{processInstanceId}/diagram
Also in the web-apps (admin and task) the diagram is only available for active process instances.
Process instance diagram is generated according to the current process state.
What should a diagram for completed processes show?
(Simple process definition diagram with one end event highlighted?)
The completed process diagram should show the path that was taken from start to end. The process can have multiple (exclusive) Gateways each leading to a different path (execution).
Knowing the process instance, I’m interested in seeing at a glance witch paths have been taken and which not.
The logic is already there in the admin app, maybe it’s not enabled yet.
Could you create an issue, then we’ll make sure the diagram is also available for a completed process instance.
I was wondering if it is possible to have a diagram similar to flowable-admin app in my own app. There are considerable differences in the diagram generated via API and the one in flowable-admin app. It seems like flowable-admin uses some client side js/css to beautify the diagram and add colours to the path. Any idea on if I can add similar client side js-css to make the diagram even more descriptive and coloured.
The flowable admin network calls suggest that it retrieves a JSON for the process instance overall execution or history and renders the diagram using some js-css. It doesn’t seem to hit the above API which returns diagram(png).
Hi, We have similar requirement. We want to open program diagram from our web application.
Something like flowable admin “show process diagram”. Please help.
The Flowable Open Source UI elements are no longer maintained in the main branch.
You can locate the files you are looking for on the flowable-6.7.2 tag here: