Building from source using v6.7.2.38, flowable-rest docker cannot be started

Hi all,

I try to build Flowable dockers using branch flowable-release-6.7.2 in Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS. After build, the docker flowable-ui works fine, but the docker flowable-rest cannot be started:

>> docker run --name flowable-rest -p 8183:8080 flowable-rest
standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "permission denied"

The versions of the related tools are as follows:
java: openjdk version “1.8.0_242”
maven: 3.3.9
ant: 1.9.6
Asciidoctor: 1.5.4
tomcat: 8.5.84

I place the tomcat at /opt/tomcat and build the docker using the script ./
Output Log: build-all-images-output.txt · GitHub

The log seems no error, and the docker flowable-ui is able to run as expected. But the docker flowable-rest cannot be started. Do I need to re-configure anything so that the docker flowable-rest can run?

Further update on this topic:
I download the docker image from docker hub, find that:

  1. the image flowable/flowable-rest:latest experiences the same issues as stated,
  2. the image flowable/flowable-rest:6.7.2 can run as expected.


Just to be on the same page. Are you experiencing these issues also with the published images on DockerHub?



Tried. As replied:

  1. the image flowable/flowable-rest:latest experiences the same issues as stated,
  2. the image flowable/flowable-rest:6.7.2 can run as expected.


there was an issue that is related to this.
This was fixed in 6.8.0. It’s on the flowable-release-6.8.x and on main.
It’s also fixed in the published 6.8.0 images.
Could you verify if this is the case for you?



Tried the fresh build using the branch flowable-release-6.8.0. The docker flowable-rest can be started as expected.