I have been playing around Flowable for some time now and start investigating HTTP tasks and scripts tasks.
I implemented https://documentation.flowable.com/design-user-guide/3.5.0/231AC-task-script.html to use the script task with the example associated.
So first I created a user task with a form to ask for “firstName” and “lastName”. Variables are created.
Then if using the example I have an error message on the toLowerCase():
org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException: problem evaluating script: TypeError: null has no such function “toLowerCase” in at line number 1
and then when displaying the email variable I have the following result: null.null@yourCompany.com
So I am wondering what needs to be configured as I lost the variable content when using the script task and JavaScript functions are not visible.
If anyone has a working example, it would be appreciated!