Hi, I’m currently using the UI applications, flowable modeler/task…, In these applications, they use rest api to interact with flowable engines. I wonder where in code I can find the definitions of these api.
E.g. in flowable-modeler, in form-services.js, there is a function saveForm which uses the rest api, /flowable-modeler/app/rest/form-models/{{modelID}}, so where can I find its definition. Is it in the code of flowable-task or flowable-rest?
Sorry, I’m still a little bit confused. The flowable engine you showed to me is not in the flowable-UI-applications. Shouldn’t the java back-end code be in the flowable-UI-appications somewhere, like flowable-task or flowable-rest. Because the rest apis it send target the local machine but not some remote server.