User Task get Task Listener detail


I have task listener configured on an User task which will execute on complete event. However, I would like to get the details of this listener using the task object before even this event is triggered to perform some logic. I have the below code which gets me the task details from org.flowable.engine.TaskService. But I don’t see any info regarding the listeners on this object.

Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId( processInstanceId )
.taskAssignee( taskAssignee )

Is there any way i could get these details ?


Hi @venkatesh

I think you have to go over the task model:

    Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(processInstanceId)
    if (task.getProcessDefinitionId() != null) {
        org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process process = ProcessDefinitionUtil.getProcess(task.getProcessDefinitionId());
        FlowElement flowElement = process.getFlowElement(task.getTaskDefinitionKey(), true);
        if (flowElement instanceof UserTask) {
            UserTask userTask = (UserTask) flowElement;
            List<FlowableListener> taskListeners = userTask.getTaskListeners(); 


Thanks so much Simon. This makes sense. I was not aware of how to get the model object given a task. Will try this and update.

Hello Simon,

I had to execute the above logic as part of a new command. Other wise got an exception stating " org.flowable.common.engine.api.FlowableException: Cannot get process model: no current command context is active". Thank you for providing the solution !

Below is the final code.

                taskListeners = processEngine.getManagementService().executeCommand( new Command<List<FlowableListener>>()

                    public List<FlowableListener> execute( CommandContext commandContext )
                        org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process process = ProcessDefinitionUtil.getProcess( task.getProcessDefinitionId() );
                        FlowElement flowElement = process.getFlowElement( task.getTaskDefinitionKey(), true );
                        if( flowElement instanceof UserTask )
                            UserTask userTask = (UserTask) flowElement;
                            List<FlowableListener> taskListeners = userTask.getTaskListeners();
                            return taskListeners;

                        return null;

                } );

            catch( FlowableException fe )