Query on creating rules in DMN

We have requirement to send alerts when conditions meets. Like one input and 4 outputs

Input: string
Output: id, code, description and message

For this we can create rule like this

But if we have to send 3 alerts for one condition like
Input: string
Output: id, code, description and message, id, code, description and message and id, code, description and message

We are looking for suggestion on creating this type of rule, basically what is the best approach to do this:

Should we keep on expanding columns horizontally as we keep on adding more alert or should we add more rules with same condition but with different alert.

CC: @Yougal


There are multiple ways of doing this. One could be to create a decision table with the Collect hit policy (with no Collect operator).
Executing a table like this would result in a Json ArrayNode on the execution context containing all valid rule outcomes; an entry per rule.

Hope this helps.



Thanks @yvo for your response.

Does that means like this

Hi @pardeep131085

That is correct.