Process diagram - unavailable in flowable explorer after deployment

We created a .bpmn file pragmatically,
deployed the same file to the below rest API


then created the process instance using the below API

by posting processDefinitionId

but when we login to flowable-explorer we couldn’t see the same diagram in the Deployed process definitions tab.

Please help in this …This is urgent

By default, the rest and explorer applications use an in-memory database, they won’t see data of each other. You need to use a persistent database (mysql, postgres, oracle, …) and configure the application such that they both point to the same database.

I have already configure with postgres DB…
actually pragmatically i am generating xml file.Plz find the xml attachment.
But i am not able to write xml for bpmndi:BPMNShape section, I need java code snippet to generate that part of xml only