No decision table reference key is defined on the dmn activity


What is the exact issue you’re having?
Could you describe it in more details?



Hi @yvo,
Thank you very much for fast response.
I’m getting the error (screenshot below) when I verify my process. Eventhough I have added the Decision Table reference. Please refer to the second screenshot to see the BPMN xml and the decision table reference key.

But, I was able to deploy the app with model to the task engine and get it run without issue after few attempts. (The process validation still throws the same ‘critical’ error though).

Just checked it. It looks like a bug in the BPMN transformation while validating.
It does not affect transformation while saving / deploying.
Will be fixed soon.

Thanks for pointing it out.



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@yvo Is this issue resolved?

@yvo Is this issue resolved? :grinning:


This hasn’t been solved yet. I’ve created an issue for it ( so that is will taken into account when planning the next (fix) release.
