Multiple instance subprocess : limite concurent


i have a BPMN like that:

<subProcess id="sid-subProcess_1" flowable:async="true" flowable:exclusive="false">
        <multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics isSequential="false" flowable:collection="myCollection" flowable:elementVariable="myVariable"/>
        <serviceTask id="sid-TASK1" flowable:exclusive="false" flowable:delegateExpression="${myDelegate}">

myCollection can have hundred thousands of elements.
I need to limit the maximum number of concurent executions of this subprocess.

How can i do that? (or is there another solution to this problem?)

Hey @marcberger,

You can check the size of the collection prior. Alternatively, you can use the “completion condition”.


Hey @filiphr,

I just saw your answer, and thanks for it.
However, I think it doesn’t solve my issue:
I don’t want to complete the subprocess; I “just” want to control the maximum number of parallel executions of a subprocess.


Thanks for the clarification. We do not have such a functionality.