Loading Resources from subdirectory in Spring process engine configuration

I’m building a SpringProcessEngineConfiguration and setting deployemnt resources see below:

SpringProcessEngineConfiguration springProcessEngineConfiguration = new SpringProcessEngineConfiguration();

My getProcesses() method is as folllows:

    private Resource[] getProcesses() throws IOException {
        ResourcePatternResolver resourcePatternResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
        return resourcePatternResolver.getResources(ResourcePatternResolver.CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX + "flowable/" + "*.bpmn"
            + "");

I have a bpmn file here:

When I deploy the processengine, I can see that the ProcessDefinition has been deployed:
Returns the process.

My issue is when I use wildcards in my getProcesses() method as follows:
resourcePatternResolver.getResources(ResourcePatternResolver.CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX + "flowable/" + "**/*.bpmn")
and my process exists under:

It is returned when I query for it using the resourcePatternResolver, I see the path to the process2 file returned however the Process is not loaded into the engine (when I create a ProcessDefinitionQuery I don’t see it there)