List attachments on a task and Get an attachment of a taskapi's using history data rather than runtime data


I have observed that List attachments on a task and Get an attachment of a task API’s are getting the task based on taskId from the history data, not from runtime whereas Create attachment on a task and Delete attachment of a task API’s are getting the task based on taskId from the runtime data.

Why this difference is there between task attachment API?

If I don’t persist history data, I will not be able to get the created attachments of the task then how can I solve this problem?


Note that this API is very old and hasn’t gotten much attention in the last years.

If I remember correctly, the attachment are always stored in the history, because it’s static and is the same for both runtime/history (just explaining the reasoning from back then, not sure if it still makes sense). So it does need history turned on indeed.