I’m trying to set up the flowable to integrate with LDAP, but in the documentation says that the
project has to be compiled in maven. Is this the only way to configure LDAP? Can not configure using .war that is downloaded from flowable.org?
Can I configure Flowable to authenticate on an LDAP basis? How is the configuration done?
How can I synchronize LDAP data to Postgresql?
I also have this doubt
There’s the flowable-ldap module that’s available in the Maven central repo, so no need for it to be compiled or something. For which parts are you looking in specific for the LDAP support? Because the Flowable Engine doesn’t need IDM management or a LDAP repository in general. Are you referring to the Explorer app or one of the other apps?
Best regards,
I need autenticate in flowable idm, admin and task with users of ldap.
I need too sincronize/import the users of ldap to assignee tasks in process to especif users.
I copy the module ldap od maven, but i don’t know where configure the application to use ldap module.I configure the processEngineConfiguration, but don’t work.
Right, for the 6.0.0 we focused on the database authentication option with Flowable IDM acting as the single sign on broker. Using the flowable-ldap module in the Flowable IDM app instead of the database option shouldn’t be too hard, but we didn’t focus on it yet. We can make it a priority for the 6.0.1 release. If you think it’s an important feature, please raise a Github issue.
Best regards,
Hi, let me ask.You wrote that “using the flowable-ldap module in the Flowable IDM … shouldn’t be too hard”. But where we can found step-by-step instruction how to do that ?
No we don’t have a step-by-step instruction yet.
Best regards,
Hi tijs, let me ask how we can configure LDAP by ‘Bean’ I have found this section in ‘17.3. Configuration’ but I have never used ‘JavaBean’ so I can’t figuring out how we can configure Flowable v6 by ‘Beans’. I want to know what file we need to change and where ?
What is missing from the documentation in section 17.3?
I’ll have a look in the next days if I can create a blog post showing the LDAP integration.
Best regards,
Dear tijs,
it would be very great if you will write some article which explains step-by-step how we can integrate ‘Flowable’ with Windows AD (LDAP). I have searched and didn’t find any clear explanation how we can do intergration of ‘Activiti’ or ‘Flowable’ and didn’t find any clear information.
I think your initiative will help to grow ‘Flowable’ community among a corporate users.
Best regards and Thanks!
I also agree that this documentation would be very useful for everyone.
Dear Tijs,
let me offer my help. I can help you to prepear this article. I know my English is not perfect But I can test technical aspects of AD intergations. It will be my, small help to Flowable community. What are you think about my proposal ?
my skills:
Linux/Windows/Network Administrator
Have knowledge in Java, JavaScript, MySQL and other programming languages including system programming
LDAP integration is also blocking us to migrate from activiti5 to flowable6.
Hi @Zholaman,
Let me write the basic LDAP blog post using Apache Directory Server and then you can have a look at the specifics of the AD setup. Would that be something you would be interested in?
Best regards,
If you write the basics, I should be able to “translate” them to Openldap and AD.
Dear Tijs,
yes I would interested in it !
Dear Tijs,
to the previous issue let me add another one I think it would be very useful for Flowable community if somebody will prepare an article about integration with Alfresco Community 5.1.0 (r127059-b7). Something like this article which explains integration Activiti with Alfresco.
The docs in 17.3 point to the flowable-ldap module and an example bean, which is helpful. What is missing is exactly which context file that bean needs to be added to in order to allow users to authenticate with flowable-idm against LDAP and to have users sync’d from LDAP.
Definitely no problem starting out assuming Apache Directory Server. The rest of us can then fill in with details for other directories such as AD.
As an example, I grabbed the source and started digging around and found flowable-custom-context.xml in the flowable-app-rest project. I uncommented the existing processEngineConfiguration bean and essentially replaced it with the one from the docs.
I then edited the settings to match my local Apache DS setup, which really only required changing the server, port, user, and baseDn:
<property name="server" value="ldap://localhost" />
<property name="port" value="10389" />
<property name="user" value="uid=admin,ou=system" />
<property name="baseDn" value="dc=someco,dc=com" />
I then built the flowable-rest-app project and replaced the flowable-rest WAR with the result. But that didn’t allow me to auth with my LDAP users so something is still missing.
Oh, I just saw this commit and realized that adding LDAP support was way more involved. What’s in 6.0.0 isn’t enough.