I tried flowable using the all-in-one docker image, it works well ,now I want to setup rest api to see how I can interact with flowable engine, but I found the rest module is not included in all-in-one image.
My setup is as below:
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 flowable/all-in-one
docker run -p 8080:8080 flowable/flowable-rest
But 8080 is already in use, how can I integrate rest api with the flowable UI, Thanks!
The flowable-task application has the REST API exposed in the same way as the flowable-rest. Which means that you can invoke the REST API via the flowable-task.
In case you want to run flowable-task and flowable-rest then you would need to run the flowable-rest on another port. For example with docker run -p 8081:8080 flowable/flowable-rest the flowable-rest application will run on port 8081
Thanks, but docker run -p 8081:8080 flowable/flowable-rest cannot connect to existing all-in-one docker container. I run curl 'http://rest-admin:test@localhost:8081/flowable-rest/service/repository/deployments' only returned the default demo app.
Are there any better ways to combine the all-in-one docker image with flowable-rest image? I’ll try flowable-task rest api to see if it works.
Yes you need to configure the database properties for it to access the same database as the all-in-one docker.
It does support basic authentication. Have a look at the ApiWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter for the task app. You can access the process api under /flowable-task/process-api. Why do you have the impression that it doesn’t work?
The flowable-admin application actually uses the REST API to display its data.
Thanks for the explainations, I don’t write java so I didn’t read the source code carefully. I don’t want to use flowable-task api, I’m working on my own docker compose file to combine all-in-one and flowable-rest
Instead of doing flowable-task/service do flowable-task/process-api. And you should not be accessing the API that is under flowable-task/app. That API is for the UI app.
The things which are explained in the documentation are valid for the flowable-task as well. With the following differences:
The installation is different (already part of the flowable-task UI application
Replace all flowable-rest/service with flowable-task/process-api