How to extend Flowable to add "Business Domain" specific BPMN elements

Thanks for the input.

In case anybody is interested: I managed to build a working prototype with a custom “domain specific” BPMN task based on the service task. To achive this I had to fork the following flowable modules:

  • flowable-json-converter (added converter for the custom task, modified existing classes related to service task)
  • flowable-process-validation (is is not possible to deploy processes with unknow bpmn elements, therefore ServiceTaskValidator must have knowledge of the custom servicetask type)
  • flowable-ui-modeler-logic (stencilset_bpmn.json: added stencil and propertyPackages for custom bpmn element)
  • flowable-ui-modeler-app (use custom flowable-json-converter, flowable-ui-modeler-logic and flowable-process-validation dependencies)
  • flowable-engine (ServiceTaskParseHandler must have knowledge of the custom servicetask type, otherwise no behavior is executed)