I’m calling a rest API with this URL in which notes will be created against a particular order and orderId can change depending on the order selection and thus it has to be dynamic. https://xyz-tem.com/v2/admin/orders/**{$orderId}**/notes
I’m storing it in a variable in a script task prior to the HTTP task call, how can I ensure that the orderId that I’m storing in the script task is being populated in the URL.
I tried doing it the way shown above but it didn’t help.
Prior to the HTTP task, have a Script task (like you do already). However, do something like this:
final String orderId = execution.getVariable("orderId").toString();
final String url = "https://xyz-tem.com/v2/admin/orders/@id@/notes";
final String result = url.replace("@id@", orderId);
execution.setVariable("myUrl", result);
Then, in the HTTP task, for “Request URL”, you simply put: ${myUrl}