History clean up for flowable DMN Table

Hi All, I am trying to find the way for history clean up for DMN HISTORY Table ACT_DMN_HI_DECISION_EXECUTION if anyone has any suggestions please post here.

If you would like to use java api use can use the query to obtain the historic executions like
Then you can use the same to delete them,

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in addition to the previous reply…

We’re working on a feature that will automatically delete all process / case instances and related data (like DMN executions) executed after a specify date / time.
Also; you can also delete entries directly in the mentioned table. There should not be any side effects to this.

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Thanks for you reply however I am not able to find delete api in dmnHistoryService api. Do you have any suggestions?

Hi, yes there is no delete historic decision execution rest api as i know.
You could use a Script Task along with the java api methods to cleanup, or a clean on database directly.
Or you can write a wrapper rest api and do the java call.