i’m pretty new to flowable engine - my goal is to deploy a bpmn engine in our department to coordinate and automate tasks - i’ld like to stick to the default docker-builds of the engine/apps at the beginning for easier maintenance and implement service tasks outside of the bpmn engine.
I’m currently running a ui-keycloak-postgres v6.6 docker variant on my development system.
To automate tasks, the External Worker Task seems to be a good fit - i understand that it has been introduced recently - and after browsing the sources for a bit (not a java native though) i think the REST api for external worker tasks might not be exposed via the Flowable-UI App - but only from the flowable-rest-app via the /external-job-api/jobs endpoint.
Is this observation correct?
is there any information on how to integrate external workers via rest available?
to resolve this, i’m now starting a flowable-rest container along with the flowable-ui-app container (using the same postgresql database) to integrate the rest-based external worker … first tests seem to be successful.
I am running the flowable engine which I pulled down from the repo, however it’s clear that the rest-postgres docker compose only targets the flowable-rest image, is the external worker API packaged as part of the flowable-ui image? Because I can’t see those APIs on the swagger docs along all the others.
Am I missing someting here? Are there examples of other docker compose files that run everything all together?