Execution has not subscribed to a signal event with name


We have 2 process that communicate using catch/throw signal X. The first process is waiting for a signal X using intermediateCatchEvent, the second send the signal X in a serviceTask using “runtimeService.signalEventReceived(X, Y)”

Sometimes, we got an error “Execution Y has not subscribed to a signal event with name X”.

Using REST process-api, I can check that the execution is well subscribed:

If the job is re-executed, the is still in error.

Any advice on what could be the issue?


:face_with_monocle:interesante … check that you are using the exact same executionId as the event subscription (they must match perfectly), also ensure your process hasn’t moved past the catch event and that the subscription has fully committed before you call signalEventReceived (use async boundaries if needed).