Duplicate Active User Task Issue

Hi everyone,

I have encountered a bug in my client’s production environment, in summary we are getting duplicate key value violates unique constraint “act-ru-actinst_pkey” which showed me that there is 2 active tasks running and assigned to the same user here is the exception from flowable engine (Version 6.7.1) :\

I tried to complete one of the tasks using flowable-gui but I get the same error but in the flowable-gui deployment. I noticed that this duplications happens randomly after a mail task and I have many mail tasks in this model, I tried to reproduce this duplication but no success. I thought it could be after a mail sending failure but no success.

Note: I cannot access production environment only backend logs, and I couldn’t reproduce this bug. this client is really sensitive about his data

Ask me for any further specifications and I appreciate any advice or assistance you can provide. Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello Have you managed to resolve the issue?
I’m having the same behavior and it happens randomly I can’t figure out the exact scenario.

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Hi @hberrayana, I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing the same issue. But throughout my attempts trying to recreate the scenario, I had some doubt about having multiple backend instances that run flowable engine, as well as asynchronous activities too. Because some time ago I was testing asynchronous service tasks, I kept getting duplicate User Tasks.

Note : Asynchronous tasks are set to the database de be handled later with the first available instance connected to the flowable database.

I Have been getting this error this past few days [UserTask should not be signalled before complete] any ideas ?