I need to customize the xml format of BPMN diagram that we create using flowable plugin.
I am able to create a plugin and install that in my eclipse. but the changes are not reflecting. Please let me know where am i wrong.
I have followed below steps-
- change in BPNM.constant java class
- build flowable engine project.build success.
- Then copy newly created BPMN.convertor jar and BPMN.model jar and and replace it with older BPMN.convertor and BPMN.model jar present in designer.libs module
- Add modified names of jars in manifest.mf in meta inf and build.properties in
designer.libs module - build designer.libs. after build success
- Add updated designer.libs jar in plugins folder of flowable designer plugin folder
- compress and make a zip
- adding this above zip as a plugin and install in eclipse
-after installing and restarting the eclipse it is not reflecting the changes that i have done.
Please let me know if i have missed anything or any class to update.