Custom queries using the Builtin WAR or via REST API

Hi All,
Due to already taken decission we’re working in a scenario where we used the predefined Flowable WARs in a tomcat.
In this scenarios there’s any way to execute custom queries (whether via REST API or with the Flowable Java APIs)? As we dont started the engine ourselves we’re a seeking a way to connect to the one in the Tomcat.

Other options?

  • Set up our custom mybatis but trying to leverage pools?
  • Can we instatiate the engine only for execute custom queries?
  • Way to create extensions to the Flowable rest API? Like a custom query operation?

Thanks in advanced


The custom query API is currently only supported with the Java API.
You can of course extend the REST API with resources to provide access to these Java APIs, but that means adding logic to the Flowable WAR and creating a custom version.

Best regards,
