Thanks for your attention , as the image above, I create a “multiTask” UserTask which has multi instance, if I have two instance when it comes to “multiTask” , such as A and B, then I create dynamic task C for A , and dynamic task D for B(by DynamicUserTaskBuilder or (TaskSerce.newTask and setParentTask) ). now A-> C and B->D two instance, each one has two sequential tasks , once I completed A and B , the processes run to the “afterMulti” UserTask, that’s not I want, it seems that dynamic task doesn’t change the workflow dependency. how can it comes to “afterMulti” UserTask only if dynamic C and D are completed , anyone helps please,
Thanks a lot
Awaiting for a quick response please. Thanks.
waiting for a response.
Hi Edward,
Add UserTaskEventListener
on complete event to multiTask
. EventListener can check whether all “children” are completed.