Cmmn Http Task Requestbody Construct Json Issue

Hi Team,

I am new to Flowable. Using version 6.5.0

Currently, I am testing Httptask in both process and case model.

Like for example:


<flowable:field name=“requestBody”>

In process(bpnm):

I can see the value “123” on the backend (spring boot);

In case model (cmmn)

Found ${bodyExpression}

Resolved [org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException: JSON parse error: Unrecognized token ‘': was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false'); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unrecognized token '’: was expecting (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token ‘null’, ‘true’ or ‘false’)

I couldn’t find a way to create dynamic json to put as request body in case model.

Any input on this will be appreciated.

Not sure I’m following yet. How are you creating the body in BPMN? Could you paste your CMMN xml for the http task?

I’m having the same problem and still looking for a workaround, did you resolve it ?
CMMN Http Task request body is sent as string format always not executed as expression unlike the bpmn.
I posted this in the forum with no answers

Can you share your model? Looking at the runtime code, it’s resolved as an expression, so not sure why it’s not working: flowable-engine/ at main · flowable/flowable-engine · GitHub

thanks for your reply,
here is my simple model downloaded from modeler:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:flowable="" xmlns:cmmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:di="" targetNamespace="" exporter="Flowable Open Source Modeler" exporterVersion="6.7.2">
  <case id="besoinItCmmnModel_" name="Http - CMMN - 1 Gestion du besoin " flowable:initiatorVariableName="initiator">
    <documentation>Première étape du processus </documentation>
    <casePlanModel id="casePlanModel" name="Gestion du besoin" flowable:formFieldValidation="true">
      <planItem id="planItem3" name="Monitoring du besoin" definitionRef="monitoring">
      <stage id="monitoring" name="Monitoring du besoin" autoComplete="true">
        <planItem id="planItem1" name="Introduire le besoin" definitionRef="introduireBesoin">
        <planItem id="planItem2" name="Notification Mail" definitionRef="httpEmailNotification">
          <entryCriterion id="sid-626FA8D9-FE83-4277-A6E3-EC17B6FD24F7" sentryRef="sentry1"></entryCriterion>
        <sentry id="sentry1">
          <planItemOnPart id="sentryOnPart1" sourceRef="planItem1">
        <humanTask id="introduireBesoin" name="Introduire le besoin" flowable:candidateGroups="supAdmFct" flowable:formFieldValidation="true">
            <modeler:group-info-name-supAdmFct xmlns:modeler=""><![CDATA[Support admin fonctionnel]]></modeler:group-info-name-supAdmFct>
            <modeler:flowable-idm-candidate-group xmlns:modeler=""><![CDATA[true]]></modeler:flowable-idm-candidate-group>
            <modeler:initiator-can-complete xmlns:modeler=""><![CDATA[false]]></modeler:initiator-can-complete>
        <task id="httpEmailNotification" name="Notification Mail" isBlocking="false" flowable:type="http" flowable:parallelInSameTransaction="true">
            <flowable:field name="requestMethod">
            <flowable:field name="requestUrl">
            <flowable:field name="requestBody">
            <flowable:field name="requestTimeout">
    <cmmndi:CMMNDiagram id="CMMNDiagram_besoinItCmmnModel_">
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="CMMNShape_casePlanModel" cmmnElementRef="casePlanModel">
        <dc:Bounds height="472.6938730780944" width="779.578125" x="41.1522649357064" y="57.74384416625003"></dc:Bounds>
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="CMMNShape_planItem3" cmmnElementRef="planItem3">
        <dc:Bounds height="276.0" width="683.0" x="74.0" y="105.0"></dc:Bounds>
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="CMMNShape_planItem1" cmmnElementRef="planItem1">
        <dc:Bounds height="80.0" width="100.0" x="207.0" y="135.0"></dc:Bounds>
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="CMMNShape_planItem2" cmmnElementRef="planItem2">
        <dc:Bounds height="80.0" width="100.0" x="210.0" y="285.0"></dc:Bounds>
      <cmmndi:CMMNShape id="CMMNShape_sid-626FA8D9-FE83-4277-A6E3-EC17B6FD24F7" cmmnElementRef="sid-626FA8D9-FE83-4277-A6E3-EC17B6FD24F7">
        <dc:Bounds height="22.0" width="14.0" x="250.0" y="273.0"></dc:Bounds>
      <cmmndi:CMMNEdge id="CMMNEdge_sid-DAD3287A-985D-4F1A-952B-64E63428C52B" cmmnElementRef="planItem1" targetCMMNElementRef="sid-626FA8D9-FE83-4277-A6E3-EC17B6FD24F7">
          <flowable:docker type="source" x="50.0" y="40.0"></flowable:docker>
          <flowable:docker type="target" x="7.0" y="0.0"></flowable:docker>
        <di:waypoint x="257.0" y="214.95000000000002"></di:waypoint>
        <di:waypoint x="257.0" y="273.0"></di:waypoint>

Just a small notice also when we see the request method in bpmn modeler (dropdown choices) and in cmmn we can notice how less dynamic is the value to enter (string):

I’m wondering why these differences between the two.

Looking at your CMMN xml, the reason is most likely

 <flowable:field name="requestBody">

Which is a String and not an expression. You modeled this with the Flowable Modeler? If so, that’s a bug in the Modeler, it (probably) should be expression instead of string.

exactely it’s from modeler and it’s downloaded that way, even if I change the xml manually to workaround it to expression and upload it again in modeler it’s again string if I try to get it back.
and it’s the same thing for requestHeader, requestUrl so if it’s a modeler bug would be perfect if it gets fixed all together :slight_smile:
Otherwise is there any other mean to upload my cmmn xml without modeler ? (we work with RestApi) thanks in advance

If you’re working with the REST API, you can deploy the XML using the rest api via

with rest api deployment it works well, if any fix will be presented in the modeler how may I get notified about ?

By checking the flowable blog / github repo for releases, there’s no automated way here.

(Putting my enterprise hat on: this is one of the benefits of becoming an enterprise customer, logged bugs will be tracked and you’ll get notified)