Cannot forward to error page for request [/favicon.ico] as the response has already been commited


Here’s the error in more detail:

ERROR 8508 — [io-8092-exec-11] e.s.b.w.s.s.ErrorPageFilter Cannot forward to error page for request [/favicon.ico] as the response has already been commited. As a result, the response may have the wrong status code. If your application is running on WebSphere Application Server you may be able to resolve this problem by setting to false.

This happens on a pretty much fresh install (dropped wars in a tomcat folder), besides configuration (one I use on another machine without issues). After this error occurs I get Thread starvation or clock leap detected warnings, which I suppose are one responsible for completely hogging my CPU.

I did some research, this is a Spring-Boot error, don’t know why it happens, but I wanted to disable ErrorPageFilter which is used in flowable-task, and I found out I can’t disable it in, only in source.

Is there any fix other than one above?


So, I have disabled ErrorPageFilter and it looks like it worked. I will update if it goes awry.