Can DMN use process variables for comparsion

Can DMN use process variables for comparison ?
As of now what is available for comparison is Boolean, number,string ,Date and collection of any of these.
But i want to compare some values with process variables.How can I do that.
Also does IS IN operator works with number? If yes in which format to feed numbers for comparison.



The DMN introduction shows an example in which a process variable is used.

As for the ‘IS IN’ operator; this is a ‘collection operator’. You can provide a comma separated list of values in the cell. When executed it will evaluate true if the input variable value is present in that list.



What it seems that , input variable can be process variables.
What i want to know is , whether value of these input variables can be compared to process variables ?
Like in expression below,
<text><![CDATA[<= 3]]></text>

what i want is suppose “3”, is process variable say {maxCount}, Now can we have comparasion like `<text><![CDATA[<= {maxCount}]]>`

Please suggest


(I’m not sure if this is what you mean)
If you want to use process variables for both the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ side of the expression you can use a ‘custom expression’ for that.
Flowable DMN engine uses JUEL for evaluating the expression. In most case you will use the Decision Table editor’s guided approach for building these expressions.
If you want to do more custom stuff you can provide the complete expression.

For example; you want to compare processVariables ‘input1’ and ‘input2’ in an expression; then you can provide a JUEL expression in the cell like this;

${input1 <= input2}

Hope this helps.

