Replace flowable-ui-modeler-app with my own react app


Note: Not a flowable specific question! But since it involves flowable so asking it on flowable forum.

Is there a simple way to replace the current app(frontend) in flowable-ui-modeler with my own react app which still uses the flowable-ui-modeler-rest,conf,logic and all other services like idm etc.

Thank you,

Hi Arpit,

Yes of course, the angular layer is part of the flowable-ui-modeler-app module, and you can just replace the angular UI logic here with your React JS application. The other modules like -rest, -conf and -logic can then still be reused as-is.

Best regards,


Hi tijs,

Thanx for the reply. I know i can just replace the angular logic with React application. My actual problem is that during development of react App, react will use nodejs as server(to provide hot reloading and other dev specific things for faster development) and to access apis in -rest , we need cookie based authentication, so they might not work. So, again not a flowable related question (totally understand if you are don’t want to answer my next question) but can you share your angular app development process(like which server you use(nodejs or tomcat) to develop the app. How to overcome this cookie based auth during development of app), so that i can also follow same process to build the react app in front of it. My concern is not using tomcat as server for development(as deploying war again & again to test the app is a tedious process) but nodejs server for development.

Thank You,

Hi Arpit,

Sorry then I misunderstood your question :wink:
In our development process with for example the Modeler app, we just bootup the IDM UI app on a seperate Tomcat server running on 8080, then we start the Modeler app on a different Tomcat server (mvn clean install tomcat7:run) with a different port (e.g. 8888). Then we can just modify any Modeler app Angular JS file in our IDE (Eclipse or IDEA) and it will automatically be picked up, no need to deploy a new WAR again, this just works. Only if a change on the Java level is required then a restart is needed, but there are options like JRebel for that as well of course.

Best regards,


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Hi Tijs,

Thanks for the reply. Will try this :slight_smile:

Thank You,

Rendering will be requested only when the parent props change, as expected. The sample React app dumps all props received as JSON, including the following information.