Getting LDAP integration to work with prebuilt 6.3.0 artifacts with docker

I’m able to get Flowable-idm working on tomcat9 hosted “bare metal.”
When using the flowable-idm-app I am now getting these errors in the tomcat log:
org.flowable.engine.common.api.FlowableException: Query return 2 results instead of max 1
at org.flowable.engine.common.impl.AbstractQuery.executeSingleResult( ~[flowable-engine-common-6.3.0.jar:6.3.0]
at org.flowable.engine.common.impl.AbstractQuery.singleResult( ~[flowable-engine-common-6.3.0.jar:6.3.0]
at ~[flowable-ui-idm-logic-6.3.0.jar:6.3.0]

Which looks to be tied to this thread:
Clicking a specific group in flowable-idm does not return users

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