FormDefinitionQuery parentDeploymentId removed

I was using 6.3.0 and then found that parentDeploymentId was removed from FormDefinitionQuery java api. I looked at the github commit that did this and I could find no documentation as to why or what to use as an alternative.

Help understanding the change and alternative to use?

While I will now go dig to find an alternative, it would be great to understand why the change was done, as it relates to the relationships between deployments and it would be helpful in understanding where the API is headed…

[Edit: I see there is a new app engine which may be related]

I think I have answered my question, but I can’t test it yet, because I am struggling to get the new AppEngine incorporated.

It looks like I should be querying the parent_deployment_id from the form_deployment and then querying form_definition from the form_deployment id.

Hey @ruzkant, sorry for not getting back earlier on this. Yes the parentDeploymentId has been removed from the definitions. Now the relationship between the deployments is within the appropriate deployments. So the FormDeployment will have the parentDeploymentId.

While I will now go dig to find an alternative, it would be great to understand why the change was done, as it relates to the relationships between deployments and it would be helpful in understanding where the API is headed…

The deployments themselves always had a parentDeploymentId. The only thing that changed is that definitions are now aware only about their own deployment. The relationships between deployments stays the same.

Yeah, thanks, at the time of my last comment I realised that parentDeploymentId should probably not have been on the definition in the first place. Thanks for confirming!

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